Our goal is for our apparel to open doors to conversations about Jesus and build the Kingdom of God. There will be many people who read the designs and are left feeling encouraged, smiling and giving you the casual head nod as they walk by. But, having the boldness to wear our apparel can generate conversation about the meaning of the design which is the perfect segway into the deeper conversations about Jesus. Every shirt and hoodie is equipped with our QR Gospel Code so you are ready to easily walk someone through starting a relationship with Jesus Christ simply by scanning that code with a QR code reader.


Our apparel is intentionally designed with ambiguity. Your new gear should help spark conversations that center around life, testimonies, purpose, and most importantly JESUS. If you are curious where these Holy Spirit inspired designs are sourced from you can find those in the description of each product. Knowing about the design also makes it much easier to explain when someone ask you about your gear.


In addition to great quality we feel that our apparel needs to have a modern fit and style. Our apparel fits great and looks good. Our gear is hand selected by our designers to really pull off modern styling to help you stand out among the crowd.


Although our products are not customizable in any way, all of our products are produced after you place your order. This allows for more products and designs for shoppers to choose from as it greatly decreases our need to have inventory of each item stocked. Most items (with the exception of footwear) are fully completed within three business days and are then ship right to you door!


We believe that the advancement of the Kingdom of God is necessary in every corner of the world. Our goal is to be able to help financially in areas all over the globe. As you buy from Kingdom Eternal you are sewing into the Kingdom of God in different parts of the world.

QR "Gospel" Code

Located on some of our non-clothing items you will discover what we have named the QR "Gospel" Code. When scanned this QR Code takes someone to our Know Him page were they will find information about the gospel of Christ AND the steps to begin their relationship with Him. Whether you have someone over for a cup of coffee out of one of our mugs, or are simply wearing our Kingdom Eternal silicone bracelet, this QR code can be used as great tool when in conversation about Jesus. The code can be scanned, giving you a very simple way to share the Gospel with someone right at your fingertips. Best of all, it can be done anywhere at anytime as long as you have a device with a QR code reader. When designing our gear we not only wanted to help generate conversation about Jesus, but also wanted to equip the person to lead someone to Christ... This QR code does just that.


Many of our products use three colors. This selective color styling has purpose just as the ambiguity in the design. Black represents the death of self and sin. Red symbolizes the blood of Christ which is the bridge for our righteous entry into heaven. White a symbol of purity and new life through Jesus Christ.

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